Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.


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Barbie Party tonight!

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Barbie Party tonight!

Barbie Party tonight!

What are you wearing?!

See you tonight!

I choose to celebrate life on the regular, and tonight will be no exception at the Barbie Party at TAOS Lounge. Put on your best Barbie or Ken attire, and grab a wig along with your friends, and join us for the last weekend that we are hosting Francesco Galli, the local artist of the month. He is going to bring some extra Barbies for you to play with, so get ready to be creative at another Transformative Experience here at The Art of Style. This is Experiential Retail. Get to know yourself and others. Sip, shop, read a book, have some good conversations, make out in the kissing booth, make a confession, make a wish, cry if you need to in the crying cave, or scream out your frustrations in the screaming dungeon, but leave your judgements at the door. Here, I invite you to come as you are, to experience life and all it's glory, as we laugh and have fun in the summer sun, as it sets. The table will also be set with plenty of food to snack on and drinks to sip on, for a small donation, of course. Please feel free to invite all your friends and let's come together to celebrate life once more as summer comes to a close before we get to embrace autumn and all it's glory.

Ready for a shift?

 I am not a therapist, but rather a Life Guide to help you navigate through tough times. All of your answers are within you, and sometimes it is helpful to examine them with someone outside your circle of reference. Most people who come to me are looking for advice and find comfort in telling me the many things going on in their lives to gain a different perspective and approach. People refer to me as a Positivity Coach (as positivity is my number one strength), but it really is a shift in mindset. It is about reframing a situation from 'Why is this happening to me?!' to 'What is this showing/teaching me?' Together we can work through these questions or any other questions you might have, by adopting an open mind and heart to learn and grow into the best version of yourself. When you shift your mindset, you shift your life...

The Substitute

Another mind fuck is The Substitute. I love blowing people's minds (instead of blowing smoke up their ass, since The Substitute is smokeless after all), because people are very confused when they see me inhale and exhale while using The Substitute, but nothing comes out. Most people do not believe what they can't see, but The Substitute is more about feeling. It is about the calmness that you experience when you slow down and take a few breaths. It is about regaining your composure before you speak. It is about gaining some extra energy and a some mental clarity. Once you start using it on a regular basis, not only do you see the shift in you, but others do too. Join the silent revolution of peace and love and just breathe. Show others how simple lifestyle changes are all that you need to feel better- and better the world while you're at it, one breath at a time. You'd be surprised at what a huge difference this makes in your life when you start putting awareness on your breath.

The Substitute Society

When you become a member of The Substitute Society, not only do you become a part of something greater than yourself, but you are also giving hope to those who suffer from mental health issues such as stress, depression, and anxiety, along with helping people smoke less. Part of my nature is to give back to the community on a regular basis, as in the past I raised over $100,000 for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for the ten years that I had my store. Now, with each membership, and with each purchase made at The Art of Style, a portion goes to The Substitute Society, so you know that when you buy a book, a bottle, a piece of clothing, a fragrance, or The Substitute itself, you are also giving back to the community at large as well. And, if you feel more generous in nature, you can contribute monthly to help even more people in need. There are three different tiers of giving, where you can donate enough to provide stress relief to 1 person with The Substitute for only $20 a month, help 10 people eliminate anxiety with The Substitute for $200 a month, or you can support the mental health of 100 people with The Substitute for $2,000 a month. How much impact can you have on this world? Find yourself giving back. It feels good. And it feels even better to give back to a cause that you know is making a positive impact on the world and the people who live in it. The more we learn to just breathe consciously, the more we can raise our awareness and vibration over all. 

TAOS, an evolutionary brand
Every day I feel like I have a million ideas swimming through my brain. And they get me so excited. I've recently decided to bring the 'find yourself.' and 'cancer sucks' shirts back into play at The Art of Style. In addition, I am hoping to meet with a local perfumer to evolve my fragrances, CUFF, SEX, and LUST, to the next level, as I am almost out of them. I plan on making (at least) ten rounds eventually, following the pattern of the Roman numerals I-X, as I also have my sizes in that forum. With that being said, I have four new pieces that are still not up on the website- the Mystical Goddess Dress in white, The Celestial Jumpsuit in black, and the Foreseen Strapless Mesh in black and white, all available for purchase. Now that August is coming to an end, I am hoping to produce all the sizes of all of my pieces, therefore making it so you no longer have to wait four to six weeks to have them made. As time goes on, I will continue to evolve my concept to what makes the most sense for me, and I cannot wait to show you what is in store for autumn and winter, my favorite seasons. Thank you for your patience and support as the transformation continues... 
The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)
You only live once. And there will only be one Barbie Party, so you might as well come...
You mind, body, and soul love to embark on new adventures. Have fun and play!
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about the sex. Be a part of the conversation in person from 7-9pm at TAOS Lounge or just tune in and follow the journey @kendraleonard when you have the time...
Mindfulness and Movement
I also invite you to join me every Wednesday morning from 9-11 am as I share my mediation and yoga practice with the community. Each month I will shift the focus to a different chakra so we can not only align them, but our bodies as well. This is a safe space where all are welcome. No experience is required. Please bring your yoga mat, a bottle of water, and a 20€ donation to The Substitute Society. We will begin with deep breathing as we stretch our bodies and thank them for carrying us through each and every day. This is a time to center yourself, quiet the noise from the outside world, and love yourself as you invest time in you. Movement does a body good, and mindfulness does good for us all. See what you're capable of doing when you quiet the mind, feel your body, and breathe your way through the experience. By taking the time to be with yourself and move your body, you shake up what's stuck. For August, the concentration is on the solar plexus, the third energy center. The solar plexus chakra governs the fire element inside of you. It is your strength, your vitality, your ego, your willpower, your stamina, your inner power.  It’s the centre where you get things done and your sense of self. This chakra relates to the digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenals and liver. It is also all about being able to deal with things, it’s how you ‘digest’ your life. Can you stand up for yourself? Being free to choose your path in any situation, being proud of your achievements and being the master of your own destiny. To know where you’re going and how to get there. To understand you have the strength to achieve your goals. Are you strong and courageous, worthy of love and respect? Do you feel strong in your body and in the world? Fire is action and transformation. Allowing yourself to grow and become a better version of yourself means taking action and leaving behind what no longer works for you. Getting to know your body and its different layers and learning about the chakras can give you valuable insight into where you have imbalances and stagnation. Come. Move, breathe, and heal with me...
Find yourself.