Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.


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What makes you smile?

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What makes you smile?

What makes you smile?

(do more of that)

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
Gloria Steinem, American journalist and social-political activist who emerged as a nationally recognized leader of second-wave feminism in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s said this, among other things. What a great quote, and such a simple gesture. Did you know that it actually takes more muscles to frown than to turn it upside down? In this crazy day and age, we have to come together to do the little things that can make a really big difference- like smiling. I remember when all of our smiles were hidden, and felt like it was another thing taken from us during hard times. That is why it is so important to practice this on a regular basis- we don't know when it might be taken away from us again. So in the meantime, keep on smiling. And if you are having a hard time finding something to smile about these days, please consider scheduling a session with me or working with me long term. Find more reasons to smile, and the Universe will keep giving you more and more reasons. Practice gratitude and you'll see you have so much to smile about. It may not be a straight line to get there, but by going up, down, and all around, we will all find our way to happiness by finding ourselves, as true happiness lies within. Lastly, mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 21st, which is International Hugging Day. I am organizing a Flash Mob Hugging Fest at Piazza Repubblica, where we will become one for one minute at 1pm. Invite your friends and family, and get ready to hug. If you don't happen to be in Florence, don't fret. I encourage you to organize your own flash mob hugging party wherever you might be. Love is stronger than hate.
Express your happiness
One thing that always makes me smile is when someone tries on something and loves the way they look (and feel) in it, that they just can't help but take it home with them. For years I have had countless clients who hate shopping and are not really into fashion, but somehow feel differently about my clothing. It probably is because my style has soul, and it is more about helping people find themselves through clothing (and now talk therapy) than just putting on clothes. It gives me great pleasure to build people's confidence through my designs, and to see people light up when they look at themselves in the mirror. When you express yourself through your outfit, and that outfit brings you joy, you can't help but smile. And because I put a ton of energy into the work that I do, you can't help but feel the love and goodness that each piece gives. But don't let it go to your head. There will be no flashy labels on my pieces or labels of any kind for that matter. The only thing you will find is a bunch of love for you and what I do, so when you wear them, you'll feel the vibration of love. The Art of Style is not just about style, it is a lifestyle, it is a feeling, it is a mood. It is all about being your authentic self and expressing yourself and style with confidence. Invest in yourself.
The Substitute

The Substitute gives you so many reasons to smile. Whether practical, playful, or purposeful, The Substitute redefines how you interact with the world. With limitless possibilities, it’s truly whatever you need it to be. Your companion for every emotion and every moment. Whether you're navigating life’s highs or lows, The Substitute is there to ground you, uplift you, or simply help you breathe through it all. It relieves pain and tension, reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, gives you mental clarity and energy. It even assists in weight control and aids in digestion. Use it to help lower your heart rate and blood pressure, correct your posture, or strengthen your immune system. With so many benefits, it will keep you smiling throughout the day as you use it to make you feel better, make your life easier, and make your life a little more interesting. Everyone will be smiling with you...

Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about resolution and tomorrow I will talk about, you guessed it, smiling. :)  Be a part of the conversation in person from 7-9pm at The Art of Style or just tune in when you have the time and follow the journey @kendraleonard... Indulge in yourself.
Mindfulness & Movement
I also invite you to join me every Wednesday morning from 9-11 am as I share my mediation and yoga practice with the community. This is a safe space where all are welcome. No experience is required. For January, the focus is on the root chakra. It is linked to your ability to dig in and feel firmly rooted in your life. This energy center is associated with your sense of security, familial relationships and your feeling of home. When energy is flowing through the first chakra, you feel firmly grounded in yourself and the world around you. When you can be assured that your basic needs are met, you’ll be able to focus on your relationships and personal goals. If your root chakra is out of alignment, you may feel depressed or anxious. Come with an open heart and mind, and feel your body unwind. Love yourself. 
The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)
You only live once, but knowing that you lived fully will make you smile.
When your mind, body, and soul are aligned, it is a lot easier to smile...
Find yourself.