Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Master Cicerone|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps people find themselves.


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Arrivederci Party

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Arrivederci Party

Arrivederci Party
5.22.22 @ 5pm
Highgarden Rooftop
419 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh NC 27602
Please join me for one last celebration
Hello beautiful souls! I am officially moving to Italy and saying goodbye to Raleigh. Please join me for one last hurrah as we celebrate the joys of life and friendships that we have created. Stop by and say ‘ciao’ if you can. Looking forward to hugging each of you fabulous people one last time…
Please dress to impress
Even though there is not a fashion show involved per se, I believe we are always on display as we walk down the runway of life (also known as the sidewalk) every time we leave the house. So, in honor of The Art of Style, I ask all of you to dress in something that makes you look and feel good, whatever that may be. See you on the rooftop. We will begin the festivities at 5pm and finish up by 8pm.
The Substitute
Does going to parties make you anxious or do you have general anxiety around people? Try taking a few breaths in and out when you start to feel nervous. Closing your eyes for a moment while you do it can help too. If you need help practicing deep breathing, consider trying The Substitute. It's an anti-anxiety/stress reliever to use in times of distress. A psychological/physiological tool that allows user to hold it in their hand, put it in their lips, and inhale. No tobacco, no toxins, simply air. Just breathe.
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way of having open conversations with people all over the world about topics that may appear to be taboo. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. I'm an open book. This week I talked about abortion and what happened to the separation of church and state. If you missed it, you can follow me @kendraleonard and check out my intimate conversations to learn more...
Soul Sessions with Lady Kendra
Want to have a private session to discuss what is on your mind? Here you will find a safe space to share and bare your soul, comfortably, without judgement. The work we do is transformative. If you need to talk, I will be here...
Find yourself.