Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.


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Come away with me...

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Come away with me...

Come away with me...

and learn my secrets to living a successful life.

Let's boldly go where no one has gone before... (inside)

For those of you who know me, you have seen me go through many transformations in my life. From a young mother, to a widow, to an entrepreneur, I have shifted in many ways. However, the core of who I am though, has always remained the same. This goes for you, too. No matter how many different lives we've lived, we all have that same soul residing within us who is constantly seeking our attention and affection. And when we ignore or repress ourselves for others, our jobs, our partners, or the world at large, we feel less than whole, we feel lost. And I think many people are struggling with this concept, especially now as our world seems to continually spin out of control. I have been helping people find themselves for over twenty five years, I just did it in different ways than what I am doing now. But it has always been my mission in life to help others be the most authentic versions of themselves. And now, I have developed a program that will help you unlock secrets held within, that have been longing to come out, and once you release yourself from within, you will realize you have no limitations except the ones you place on yourself. It's time to change that. Are you ready to live the life that you've always dreamt of living? 

Please join me for a transformative experience in Italy

I am inviting seven beautiful souls to join me on this once in a lifetime transformational experience at a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level this November 1-3, in Florence, Italy. I will take you to some of the most beautiful places you have ever seen, and guide you during life's journey while we explore the world, each other, and ourselves. Find yourself indulging in luxury and tasting a different slice of life, while discovering parts of yourself that you might not have known existed. Take a look at your past, in the present moment, so that you can confidently move towards your future. The design of these three days is meant to restore your body, mind, and soul through movement (stretching and walking), mindfulness (guided meditation and visualization), and connected coaching methods (group and individual). This is for people who are looking for an immersive adventure that is casually structured, interactive, immaculate, and one that will indulge all of your senses. For those of you who want to know the secret to life and are ready to enjoy all that this world has to offer, I encourage you to secure your spot by paying a non-refundable fee of $500, which goes towards the total price of $2999 by September 15th. Afterwards, the price increases to $3499, but the deadline is October 15th. Payment plans are available, but limited space is attainable. Cost includes accommodations, all meals, and coaching for the three days. You are responsible for airfare, alcohol, your attitude, and an accord that you come prepared and ready to do the work. Interested? Reply to this message, or reach out to me on any social media platforms or through my website. Looking forward to discovering, exploring, growing and learning with you on this journey called life. 

The Substitute
We could all use a little breather these days. Why not book your next traveling adventure around these three days and get the best out of both worlds (physical and spiritual). ;) But something that will help you in this process, is The Substitute, a psychological/physiological tool that relieves stress or anxiety. No tobacco. No toxins. Simply air. I promise that it really is the simple things in life that make a huge difference. This is my cure to cancer, the breath. And, well, a few other things that i'm going to teach you about during this experience. Just breathe.
The Books
The books are live! Well, able to be listened to, I mean. Want me to read you a little story about life and make you laugh and cry, possibly at the same time? Head over to Audible on Amazon or iTunes to get your download. Opportunities to read still exist, just go to your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy if they don't already have it in stock or order online from my website, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. Thanks for taking the time to listen/read about my life and the experiences that have shaped me. Stay tuned, there are more to come...
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday evening on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about the Transformative Experience for your mind, body, and soul. Join the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.