Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Master Cicerone|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps people find themselves.


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How do you make decisions?

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How do you make decisions?

How do you make decisions?
Beware, consequences ahead...
Your decision, your choice.
One of the most beautiful things about this one life that we all have, is what to do with it?! As adults, we have the free will to do as we please (well, within certain limits), and we get to make tons choices every day. What do we want to do for a living? Where do we want to live? Who do we want to spend our time with and how do we want to spend it? These, among others, are just a handful of options available to us. But sometimes I think we forget that we can choose these things, and ultimately do. Not doing anything about your situation is also making a decision to continue the current arrangement. If you're not happy with part of your life, what are you doing to change it?
Need help making decisions?
If you need some help making some changes in your life, consider booking a session with me. Whether it's for an hourly session, for a day, or over the course of a year, we can work together to create the life of your dreams. In the meantime, here are some tips: 1. Don't let stress get the best of you. 2. Give yourself some time (if possible). 3. Weigh the pros and cons. 4. Think about your goals and values. 5. Consider all the possibilities. 6. Talk it out with someone you trust. 7. Keep a journal. 8. Plan how you'll tell others. 9. Rethink your options. 10. Meditate.
The Substitute
Making decisions can be a stressful task, but breathing through the process can help. Did you know that the quickest way to calm down the nervous system is to breathe? If you need help in moments of stress or anxiety, consider trying The Substitute. It's a tool that can help you breathe a little easier. No tobacco, no toxins, simply air.
Just breathe.
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday evening on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way of having open conversations with people all over the world about topics that may appear to be taboo or difficult to discuss. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about boundaries, and next week I'll be talking about, wait for it, decision making. For more information, or to join the conversation, please follow me @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.