Introducing Three New Services!
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Introducing Three New Services!
Death Doula, Family Plan, and Couples Transformative Experience
Death Doula
I've been talking about death for a while now. Ever since my husband died from leukemia 14 years ago, I've been extra comfortable discussing the topic and being around others who are in the process of dying. Even though we are all technically dying every day, we don't think about it. However, people who have been given an expiration date have no choice but to think about it, their life, and what to do with the rest of it. I was recently talking to a friend and she mentioned this phrase to me as I was telling her about helping one of my dear friends transition out of his life. Even though I have many titles, I never really considered this one. But after guiding this friend for over a year, the more I thought about it (and the fact that he told me it was the best decision he had made since being diagnosed with brain cancer), I started attracting more people who were suffering with terminal illnesses. And because I do believe that our bodies can heal once we emotionally and mentally heal, I also hope that I can help bring people to a place of tranquility before they exit their vessel, so they can truly rest in peace. You see, part of the process of letting go of people, places and things throughout your life, is so you can ultimately let go of the life you have, so you can transition out of it, and onto the next one. If you or someone you know is dying or needs someone to talk to about death, the dying process, end of life circumstances, or closing your life with dignity, please consider scheduling a session with me. Together we can heal and prepare you for the final journey of life.
Family Plan
Had another friend/client come visit me in Italy recently and I was invited to join them at their villa for a family dinner. Since we had discussed many things in our sessions together, I was already made aware of some of the issues going on in the family. The interesting thing is now I got to witness it first hand, across three generations. So I am extra grateful for the encounter, as well as the idea that formed out of this experience. Of course people have to want to change and have the desire to work on themselves, but because I help people of all ages/races/sexes, I thought to myself, how great it would be to work within the entire family to help heal some generational trauma. So, introducing the Family Plan, a program that allows anyone in your family to have a session with me, to work through their issues, talk about their problems, and vent about what's bothering them within the household. This way there is no pressure to schedule weekly appointments, because they can be rotated through everyone in the family. The confidentiality will be held sacred, but I can use it to help others in the family heal. And since I am a vault of information and knowledge, I can incorporate other tools to enhance the learning and growing process. If you or someone you know could benefit from the Family Plan, please consider scheduling a session with me.
Couples Transformative Experience
Starting this October, I will be hosting Couples Transformative Experiences in Florence, Italy. You can still schedule Individual Transformative Experiences, but this year will be devoted to couples who want to consciously reconnect or consciously uncouple. We will spend three days together healing your emotional and mental past, connecting to your body in the present moment, and focusing on what you want in the future. The last day will hold an opportunity for you to have a private session with me individually and as a couple to talk about the next steps. The design of the three days is focused on the individual, but since you are both doing the work, there will be integrated moments for exploration as you evolve throughout the process. This can be a magical time of appreciating, bonding, healing, growing, learning, listening, traveling, and of course, transforming. Interested? Reserve your spot now for only $500 for October 24-26, November 7-9, or December 26-28. $5,000 per couple. Cost includes coaching, all meals, and accommodations.
As a servant leader, I have always tried to meet people where they're at. Someone just asked if I would be their Substitute Teacher (even though I have already thought about using that title, too). But since my mother was a teacher, and I tend to share a lot of teachings, I'll take this name as well. And one thing I hope I have taught you along the way, is that the breath heals, it transforms. It is the essence of life. If we stop breathing, we literally will die. But if we consciously breathe, we can live better lives. There are so many benefits to breathing: clarity of mind, emotional/mental/physical relaxation, better digestion and sleeping habits, increase in stamina and blood quality, it reduces heart rate, blood pressure, stress, anxiety, depression, and even corrects posture. I designed THE SUBSTITUTE after I almost died of pneumonia four years ago and have made it my mission to help one million people quit smoking/enhance their quality of life. THE SUBSTITUTE has no tobacco, no toxins, simply air, which means you can use it anywhere- planes, trains, bars, restaurants, work, school, church, wherever. It's also a thinking stick, back scratcher, hand smacker, ass slapper, magic wand, dancing tool, and arm extension. Use it any place, any time, anywhere. Try it for only $20 and get free international shipping. JUST BREATHE.
The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible
This is the story of my husband's death and how I dealt with things. (you only live once)
This is the story of me being single and putting myself first. (mind.body.soul.)
The Fragrances- Cuff, Sex, and Lust (all unisex)
These are my three fragrances I developed with the help of a perfumer.
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about resting and next week I'll be discussing celebrating. Be a part of the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.