Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Master Cicerone|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps people find themselves.


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Invest in yourself.

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Invest in yourself.

Invest in yourself.

It's the most profitable investment you can ever make...

Get immediate results

Investing in yourself will boost your confidence in your own abilities and have a positive impact on your self-esteem. As well as equipping you with new knowledge and skills, focusing on your personal development will help you get to know yourself better. You must know thyself to grow thyself. The beautiful thing about investing in yourself is that once you invest in yourself, you will begin to see improvements in your productivity and happiness. You may also acquire new skills or create positive habits, which can benefit you both personally as well as professionally. It yields not only future returns, but a current pay-off as well. And who doesn't love immediate gratification these days? Consider booking a session with me and see how fast results can be achieved from within. Learn to get out of your own way and allow yourself to heal and grow in the process. In order to heal, you must first feel. But once you do, you will feel lighter, brighter, better, and happier. Take a chance on yourself.

Long term benefits

After the initial changes take place, you will notice other things around you that you haven't before. Your relationships will improve, not only with yourself, but with others, too. Your health and wellness will get an upgrade, because you will make more conscious decisions about your life and your body. You will feel more in control of your life than you ever have before. Investing in yourself truly makes a difference in your life, your well-being, and your ability to thrive and perform to the best of your ability. The extent to which you invest in yourself, not only shapes the way you interact with the outside world, but it often reflects the opinion you have of yourself. Your future is in large part determined by your willingness and ability to invest in yourself now.

Make an investment in your future today

Come to Italy and take a break from your normal routine to incorporate a new one. In just one more week, the Transformative Experience will increase in price by $500. Take charge and learn what skills you need to make the most out of this one life of yours. These three days spent with me in Florence will transform your life and give you the freedom that you so desire. Learning how to adapt in this crazy world while maintaining peace and calm is a practice, but it's never too late to live a life full of pleasure! You will come back more confident than ever before, you will have more clarity about your purpose and why you are here, and you will learn how to manage stress without allowing the chaos to overtake your mind, body, or soul. Discover your patterns and break them, learn your lifepath and how to live it to the fullest, and explore yourself, others, and this world where we are all connected and by living your truth along with encouraging others to do the same makes this world a better place for everyone.

The Substitute

A small investment you can make in your life is to start breathing consciously, this one costs nothing, except for your attention to it. If you need a reminder, consider trying The Substitute. A psychological/physiological tool to use instead of smoking/eating that relieves stress and anxiety. No tobacco. No toxins. Simply air. Just breathe.

The Books

My first mini memoir shares how I invested in myself after my husband died and left corporate America to open my own business. One of the best decisions I ever made, and it all started as a dream and having the belief in myself.

My 2nd book talks about the investment I made in my mind, body, and soul and what happened afterwards.

Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra

Please join me every Monday evening on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I invested in myself and went to Nice, France instead. Next week I'll talk about how you can invest in yourself and what that looks like. Be a part of the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard.

Find yourself.