Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.


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It's Compliment Day!

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It's Compliment Day!

It's Compliment Day!

Give praise where praise is do...

Naturally giving

It's a great day to consciously make an effort to compliment people, but I mean this sincerely. It's never a great day to give a compliment vacantly. For me, I find it quite easy to compliment others, as I naturally see the good in people and try to express my gratitude towards others that I interact with on the daily. If this is not something that feels natural to you, then I would encourage you to try to think of someone that you do interact with on a regular basis and see what they do that you find compliment worthy- and tell them. This all goes back to gratitude and expressing our joy for others and their natural gifts that they share with the world each and every day. It feels good!

Graciously receiving
Do you have a hard time accepting compliments? Do you reject them and allow them to bounce off of you? If this sounds like you, try opening your mind and heart to the fact that someone else is trying to express a form of gratitude for what they see in you. Simply saying 'thank you' is a good way to start. It may feel strange to acknowledge these kind words at first, but you do deserve to be recognized for what makes you uniquely you. The next time someone offers you a compliment, make the effort to allow those words to flow over you and welcome them into your being. The more you are open to receiving, the more goodness you'll get. And that feels good too...

The biggest compliment to me

The biggest compliment to me is when people I know recommend me to others they know. There is a level of trust that comes from an intimate referral. So for those of you that have shared my information with those in your life who have benefitted from my services, thank you. For those of you who know someone who would benefit from working with me, please consider sharing my information with those in need. We all need someone to talk to, and finding the right fit is key. If someone you know is having a hard time finding themselves or moving forward in their life, please share your experiences that you've had with me and how I have helped you. It brings me great joy to help people and make them smile, and once they do, it's generally noticed and offered a slue of compliments.
The Substitute
Another compliment you can give someone is offering them The Substitute. This is a device that allows anyone to smoke anywhere because it has nothing inside it. It's a way for you to encourage someone who does smoke a healthy alternative in your presence (think if you're sick, pregnant, around children, indoors, etc.) without talking about their habit and making them feel bad for doing so. It also has a ton of other positive side effects that will lead to them getting more compliments in their life, and possibly more complimentary days, too. The Substitute. No tobacco. No toxins. Simply air. Just breathe. 
My Books- Available on Amazon and Audible
One compliment I've received numerous times is that people couldn't put my book down. 
The biggest compliment you can give yourself is peace of mind, a healthy body, and driven soul.
My Fragrances- Cuff, Sex, and Lust (all unisex)
Fragrances turn heads, and compliments usually follow. Try it.
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about the power of unsubscribing. Remove all that no longer serves you and if these emails don't feel good to you, please feel free to unsubscribe. Otherwise, please forward to anyone who needs to hear these messages. ;) And follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.