Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Master Cicerone|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps people find themselves.


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It's Spirit Day...

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It's Spirit Day...

It's Spirit Day... magic is in the air!
What are you doing to serve both yourself and others?
Today jovial Jupiter unites with dreamweaver Neptune, their first conjunction in 13 years- and their first meetup in Pisces (the sign they co-rule, ahem, mine) since 1856. It's called Spirit Day because Jupiter is the planet of hopes and Neptune is the planet of dreams. When they join forces, miracles happen! For those of you who don't know, we create our own reality, and because we tend to manifest whatever we are thinking about, why not spend some time thinking about what you do want out of life? Put it on paper in the present tense with statements starting with 'I am' or 'I have' and say it out loud. If you can visualize it, even better. Dream big! And when you truly believe in what your heart desires, your dreams do come true. I know this sounds a little bit like a fairy tale (cinderella was my favorite), but I promise that you were put here to create the life that you so desire and serve others while doing it.
Be of service and if you need mine, let me know...
We all can do small acts of kindness and look for opportunities to brighten someone's day. Find yourself in positions to help others when you are able to provide or give to those less fortunate or to those who just need a lift in their spirit. Be an example for others to follow and continue to shine your light bright for others to see just how simply it can be done. I have always considered myself a servant leader, here to serve others in everything that I do. If you need help finding your light or turning it back on, consider scheduling a soul session with me...
The Substitute
When I am taking a walk with The Substitute, I often have children ask if it is a wand. I proudly exclaim, 'yes it is!' as I like to move the clouds with it and point things into place. That being said, it's also a good pointer as well as thinking stick. It can be what you need, when you need it. Just breathe.
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra Leonard
Please join me every Monday on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way of having open conversations with people all over the world. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. I'm an open book. This week I talked about the planets for a bit. If you missed it, you can follow me @kendraleonard and check out my intimate conversations to learn more...