Renaissance Woman|Entrepreneur|Author|Speaker|Mentor|Dreamer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps people find themselves.


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It's Time to Rise

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It's Time to Rise

It's time to rise

(and shine)

Now is the time

There has never been a greater time to embrace yourself than now. With all of the tools available to us, we can learn new things all the time that add to our gifts of knowledge and life experiences. If you are someone who lacks confidence or self esteem, maybe the time has come for you to ask yourself why. Why don't you love yourself fully? Why aren't you your own best friend? What is holding you back from being the ultimate best version of yourself? What can you let go of to create more space for what you want to do in this life? If you need some help answering these questions or if you would like to explore more of the depths of your soul, consider scheduling a session with me or come to Florence, Italy for a customized Transformative Experience this summer to break you down, build you up, and shine as brightly as you can for this world to see to truest and most authentic you that you can be.

Soul Sessions

People ask me all the time, 'What do you do?' I generally respond with 'I help people find themselves and chase their dreams.' For years I have been helping people discover who they really are, what they really want out of life, and how to get it. We can have it all, but there is a method to the madness, and we all have a different path to get there. It takes practice, patience, pain, and processing, but on the other side is joy, happiness, love, and forgiveness. You can truly surrender only when you do the work consciously. When you are ready to do the work and really work on yourself, that is where the magic happens. And when you do the work, you find yourself fulfilled, more peaceful, calm, and collected. You can heal from your past. You can design the future of your dreams. However you can only do it in the present moment. Let me know when you're ready...

The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible
After my husband's death, I had to keep moving on...
It's easier to rise with a clear mind, healthy body, and determined soul...
The Fragrances- Cuff, Sex, and Lust (all unisex)
Use these to get a rise out of you (or someone else...)
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about rising up and shining bright for the world to see. Be a part of the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard. 
Find yourself.