Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.


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Party starts at 19. Program starts at 20. Playing starts at 21.

Come learn about your mind, body, soul, and sex

Tonight I host what has now transformed into the MIND.BODY.SOUL.SEX. PARTY. For those who have known me and TAOS for a while, you may know that I used to host this annually, senza the sex part. However, based on the August artist of the month, Galli Artepiombo, and his La Vetrinetta Delle Barbie, I've decided to take it up a notch and add the element of sex. Just to be clear here, we are not going to have sex at this party. This is a safe space to talk about sex, tantra, touching, and tarot, and ask any and all questions you may have about sex and the mind, body, soul connection. Of course I have always wanted to host a sexy party, especially since I adopted the name Lady Kendra, so here is the first party to encourage such behavior. However, rules apply: there will be no telephones. You will surrender your phone at the door and can claim it when you leave. There is a strict dress code: when in doubt, wear black. You must get consent when engaging with others. Anyone violating these rules will be asked to leave and will not be permitted to renter, nor will any refunds be issued. This is a Transformative Experience, the first of many I plan on hosting here at TAOS Lounge. However, tonight we will all be virgins. and you will not want to miss out on this first time if you happen be in Florence this Ferragosto. Come along for the ride of a lifetime and learn more about what turns you on, what you want, and what you can have in terms of intimacy. There is so much to explore...

What is Ferragosto, really?

Ferragosto is a widely celebrated holiday in Italy on the 15th of August. It is where most (if not all) Italians flee to the sea for a much needed break of 'dolce far niente' or 'the art of doing nothing.' But it was originally the celebration of Mary's mind, body, and soul to heaven. And since upon coming to Italy during my sabbatical four years ago and learning this, simultaneously when my second book, mind.body.soul. had just been sent to the publisher, I felt an even deeper connection to this special day. Also, with the knowledge that I have acquired over the last for years of being a Life Guide deepening my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual connection for myself as well as others, I wanted to take this opportunity to share some of the things that I have learned that will help enhance your overall pleasure in life, along with the freedom and peace when you 'achieve' such things. This is a a daily practice, but as you know, practice makes perfect. And being the pisces that I am, I love to play. Flirting is fun. And I think it's time we start talking more about these things. So, if you happen to be in Florence tonight and want a new experience diving into the unknown, please join me. It should be fun. Don't forget to share with your friends, family, lovers, and partners. Together we can all learn how to create more pleasure in life (with curiosity, integrity, respect, as well as safety) by being free to just simply be ourselves and finding peace within to do such. I encourage you to participate with someone to deepen your practice and see how connection can arise with just some simple tips. Practice the art of doing 'nothing' and transform it into something. This is where your true power lies, within your sexuality. Use it for good. Use it to connect with others. Use it to manifest the life of your dreams. I can show you how, tonight. Just come. and then Just breathe. 

The Substitute

When you come to the MIND.BODY.SOUL.SEX.PARTY tonight, you will be offered The Substitute to use during the event. This will help you be in the present moment and breathe your way through any feelings that come up in the moment, therefore offering you a dose of immediate gratification, which we all love and adore. Even though I am teaching how to delay your gratification tonight only to build it to new heights, breathing gives you extreme pleasure and can cure many of our physical, mental, and emotional ailments. For those who come tonight, you can also use The Substitute as a hand smacker, ass slapper, toy teaser, thinking stick, pointer, or any of the other numerous ways to use The Substitute. Not able to come tonight? Get one online for you and a friend and see how much pleasure you can receive. 

The Substitute Society

The Substitute Society is the private club that is tied to my nonprofit that I have created to bring like minded people together to advance this world through peace and love. If you are a believer, consider becoming a member or please feel free to make a donation. Join the revolution. Be a part of something greater than yourself. Then find yourself, invest in yourself, love yourself, and indulge in yourself through clothing, connection, parties, and transformative experiences.

Clothing for your soul
Years ago, I had someone tell me that they finally got it- that my clothing was more than just about fashion, it was about expressing your true spirit. This is why now, through my very own designs, I have poured so much love into this creative outlet. I have always loved fashion, but people are what makes my world go around, and bringing confidence to someone feels very natural for me when helping people express themselves through clothing. My vision of the future includes making one of a kind, designer pieces for the individual, but in the meantime, I offer you The God/dess Collection, my first clothing line of many, but one that will make you feel like the God/dess you are. Each piece is made to order, so that you have a special piece made with love, just for you. Four more pieces have arrived, but are in desperate need of having a photoshoot. I have been saying I wish that someone would just follow me around sometime to capture my life and my clothes for the world to see. Who knows, maybe with the power of manifestation which I have harnessed, I'll be able to share these with those of you overseas, soon. In the meantime, know that I still do video appointments for those of you across the globe (or for those of you who don't have time to come to my studio). I am just a call away, but do require appointments so I can concentrate on you as I am not always there. Also, I live directly across the street from TAOS, so please feel free to message me on the fly to see if I'm around. If so, I can be there in less than one minute. Schedule an appointment with me today and let's get you into expressing your inner God/dess. 
The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)
You only live once. Might as well have good sex...
When your mind, body, and soul are connected, it leads to better sex...
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about the mind. Be a part of the conversation in person from 7-9pm at TAOS Lounge or just tune in and follow the journey @kendraleonard when you have the time...
Mindfulness and Movement
I also invite you to join me every Wednesday morning from 9-11 am as I share my mediation and yoga practice with the community. Each month I will shift the focus to a different chakra so we can not only align them, but our bodies as well. This is a safe space where all are welcome. No experience is required. Please bring your yoga mat, a bottle of water, and a 20€ donation to The Substitute Society. We will begin with deep breathing as we stretch our bodies and thank them for carrying us through each and every day. This is a time to center yourself, quiet the noise from the outside world, and love yourself as you invest time in you. Movement does a body good, and mindfulness does good for us all. See what you're capable of doing when you quiet the mind, feel your body, and breathe your way through the experience. By taking the time to be with yourself and move your body, you shake up what's stuck. For August, the concentration is on the solar plexus, the third energy center. The solar plexus chakra governs the fire element inside of you. It is your strength, your vitality, your ego, your willpower, your stamina, your inner power.  It’s the centre where you get things done and your sense of self. This chakra relates to the digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenals and liver. It is also all about being able to deal with things, it’s how you ‘digest’ your life. Can you stand up for yourself? Being free to choose your path in any situation, being proud of your achievements and being the master of your own destiny. To know where you’re going and how to get there. To understand you have the strength to achieve your goals. Are you strong and courageous, worthy of love and respect? Do you feel strong in your body and in the world? Fire is action and transformation. Allowing yourself to grow and become a better version of yourself means taking action and leaving behind what no longer works for you. Getting to know your body and its different layers and learning about the chakras can give you valuable insight into where you have imbalances and stagnation. Come. Move, breathe, and heal with me...
Don't miss Aperitfriday!
After hosting Aperitifridays for almost three months, I have decided that these events will cease to exist at the end of August. I have decided that I want my Friday nights back, too. So even though it was my plan to do this weekly, I will begin to host monthly parties (outside of the Gallery Showcase every First Friday). Mark your calendar for September 13th for the next main event at TAOS Lounge. So that now means that those who are members can now reserve a space at TAOS Lounge on Fridays for themselves (or rent out the space to host a party). Anyway, if you happen to be around tomorrow night, know that there is another event waiting for you!
Find yourself.