Renaissance Woman|Entrepreneur|Author|Speaker|Mentor|Dreamer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps people find themselves.


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Mindset Reset

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Mindset Reset

Mindset Reset

The way you think shapes your life.

What is your mind telling you?
All of us seem to have minds that are spinning ideas off at a 100mph, which is amazing for keeping us on our toes, but sometimes, our minds can play tricks on us. It is there to protect you and guide you, but more often that not, our minds are just simply running a program that has been installed since our birth. They say our personality is formed by the age of five, and that by seven, we have been fully automated by the fears of our parents, along with limiting beliefs and messages that society has ingrained in us. These programs are constantly running behind the scenes, whether we are aware of them or not. However, once we become aware that we are actually in control, or can take control rather, it almost becomes a game. Just like we are acquiring new skills and knowledge to advance to the next level or phase of life, we can rewrite these long standing systems that have been placed upon us. By being conscious adults, we can change the outcome of the game, but it takes a lot of practice, patience, and discipline. Our mindsets, which are constructed through conscious and unconscious conditioning, are not as permanent as they may seem. By developing new habits, improving your health, and learning essential transforming qualities, you can form new neural connections, resetting our mindset. In other words, we can reset them any time we want. But it starts with desire. A passion for more. You are enough. You just need to believe it.
Mindset Reset

Mindset Reset is where we work through all of your limiting beliefs and self sabotaging behaviors. It is where you learn how to completely eliminate negative self talk and take your confidence to the next level. It is when you realize that your past may be what has shaped you, but no longer fits into the mold of what you want to become. This is an opportunity to change your mindset and hit the reset button. This is a commitment you make to yourself for one month to move forward. This is for the dedicated individual who is ready to adjust their mindset towards a more positive way of thinking, to create the life you have always wanted. A lot of your roadblocks are set up in your mind. I can show you how to break them down and build new pathways towards success. You have the power to create anything you want in life, but you first need to shift your mindset, visualize the future you want, feel it in your bones and body, then be open to receiving all the abundance this world has to offer you. Now is the time to step into your power. The only thing holding you back is how you think, which affects how you feel, which causes you to take action (or not). Invest in yourself for one month and see how your life shifts with just a few small adjustments...

The Substitute

One of the best ways to control your mind is by breathing. By taking conscious breaths, you are resetting your system. It is the fastest way to calm your brain and your body, relieving pain and tension, reducing your heart rate and blood pressure, and even correcting your posture. Use The Substitute when you feel stress coming on, when you start to get flooded with anxiety, or when you feel out of control. It is a healthy alternative to pretty much anything that life throws at you, and allows you to breathe deeply throughout the day. It is also a pointer, a thinking stick, a magic wand, dancing tool, back scratcher, hand smacker, ass slapper, private toucher, and hand occupier. The Substitute will change your life and transform your mind one breath at a time. Don't believe me? Try it for only $20 and get free international shipping. No tobacco. No toxins. Simply air. Use it anywhere. Just breathe. 

The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!) 
You only live once in this vessel. Level up before you move on to the next one...
You can reset your mind, body, and soul anytime...
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about control and next week I will discuss faith- it's not what you think it is. Be a part of the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard. 
Find yourself.