They say once you're through changing you're through. Meaning you're done. Meaning you are no longer growing. Meaning that you are not evolving. Meaning you are slowly dying. Each day we have opportunities to learn something new, meet someone new, or go to a new place that we have never been before. If you have stopped being curious about this world and the people in it, I encourage you to go back to how you used to be as an innocent child and see the wonder in everything again. It may take some practice, but eventually you may tap into some unrealized potential you had stored up inside of the adult version of yourself. Know that you can always learn something that you didn't know and the joy that comes from having a curious mind. Ask questions. Listen. Learn. If you or someone you know needs help opening your mind to wonder and excitement, please consider scheduling a session with me or come to Florence, Italy on a magical 3 day Transformative Experience for your mind, body, and soul. I can show you how to continue to learn more about yourself, the world, and the people that are in it...