To quote Lauryn Hill, 'two mc's can't occupy the same space at the same time- it's against the laws of physics.' That rule applies to everything. In order for you to have something else, you have to release something. Or in some cases, someone. Have you ever noticed that when you let go of something, you generally feel better? That is because we are not meant to hold on to something (someone) forever. Everything and everyone has a purpose in our lives. And when things aren't so great anymore, it may be time to let go. You can't get what you want by holding onto to the past. And if you continue to do so, you'll be living your hell continuously here on earth. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you don't change your behaviors, your circumstances, your language, your surroundings, ultimately yourself, how do you expect anything in your life to change?