Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.


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Celebrate Life on a Regular Basis.

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Celebrate Life on a Regular Basis.

Celebrate Life on a Regular Basis.

Life every day like it's your last.

You are still here.

Have you ever stopped to wonder about what it is that you're supposed to be doing here with your time on earth? Let me give you the short answer. You are here to enjoy it! I'm sure you've heard the saying that life is a gift. Well, it is, and you are supposed to open yourself up to all the possibilities everyday. Each morning when you pull back the covers, it's like unwrapping a gift of a brand new day. You get to start over in this game called life. You get to do better than the day before. You get to make new choices and decisions with your life. And you don't have to wait. You can make the conscious choice to live each day like it's your last and live life to the fullest. The choice is yours.

Need Help Finding a Reason to Celebrate?

There are so many things to be grateful for in this one life we get to live. In a world full of negativity, I know it's hard to focus on the positive, but if you only focus on the negative, that is what you'll keep getting more of. Gratitude is the name of the game, along with love. Find every moment you can to say 'thank you' to the universe for all the blessings that you have- your family, your friends, making the yellow light, making it to the toilet, making it before closing time, being able to walk, see, hear, talk, eating a delicious meal, laughing, the clouds, the breeze, etc. These are just a few simple things to celebrate and be grateful for, but if you really need help finding the positive things in life, consider booking a session with me or coming to the Transformative Experience in Italy. 

Celebrate with me in Italy!

Come to Italy and immerse yourself in all the beauty this world has to offer. This November 1-3, I have invited 7 people to join me on a Transformative Experience that will change your life for the better. I celebrate life on a regular basis and can teach you and show you how it is done, regardless of what is going on in your life. You create the life you live, but by being more aware, you can find yourself enjoying more freedom, peace, and pleasure. Let's create the life of your dreams. Spaces are filling up fast, so don't wait too long to claim yours. 

The Substitute
Something else we should be celebrating is the ability to breathe. This is another freebie we are given in life and if we would just take advantage, we could heal ourselves from a lot of what bothers us. If you need a healthy reminder to just take a breath every now and then, you will notice your anxiety releasing it's grip on you, your depression lightening up, and maybe even curing you from ailments or dis-ease that you have had for a long time. It can change your life. The Substitute is a psychological/physiological tool to use instead of smoking or eating that relieves stress and anxiety. No tobacco. No toxins. Simply air. Just breathe.
The Books
My first book, referencing the death of my husband, how I quit corporate America, and opened up my own store.
My second mini memoir about being single and releasing what no longer served me.
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday evening on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about Ferragosto, a widely celebrated holiday in Italy and my connection to it. Please tune in and follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.