Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.


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Do Something Nice Today!

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Do Something Nice Today!

Do Something Nice Today!

Well, you should do nice things everyday...

Today is Do Something Nice Day and therefore, I am encouraging each and every one of you to do something nice today. Wouldn't it be nice though if we all practiced this mantra everyday? In fact, I think we could start a movement today going forward to just simply be a little kinder these days. You know I've always said I was going to 'revolutionize retail' but I'm beginning to think that I may be just starting a revolution. The definition states to change (something) radically or fundamentally, and I think it's definitely time for a change. What about you?  
For those of you that have been following my journey, you know that I am a huge advocate of self care. So I'm going to start with that. You will be a kinder, more happier person if you take care of your needs first. Once your cup is full, you can offer an abundance of niceness out there in the world! And, since giving is such a wonderful thing to do, you'll find yourself wanting to do more of it. But it is hard to give when you don't have much to draw from, so first, be nice to yourself. Treat yourself the way that you would treat others. And if you're not being kind to others, then you probably aren't that kind to yourself, which begs the question, why? That's the starting point. You can only love on others if you love yourself first. If you don't love yourself, then you've got a whole lot of work to do.
Wouldn't it be nice to come to Italy to learn how to do it??

The answer should be a resounding YES! One nice thing you could do for yourself is invest time and energy into doing this work. And I can tell you from experience, that it is the most gratifying work you'll ever do. And that is just what the Transformative Experience is all about, learning how to do the work every day in small increments that adds up over time. Cause once you work on yourself, you're better able to share your gifts with the world (which is your number one job to do in this life). I have been in the business of transformation for years now, and I think I've figured a few things out (the art of living, my third book, is still being written). But the one thing I've realized is, you have to take a chance on yourself. This is what faith is, faith in your abilities, faith in your purpose, faith in yourself. Let me help you find yourself so you can shine brighter for yourself and others around you. That would be the nicest thing for you to do. And you now have ten more days to sign up for the very first Transformative Experience from November 1-3 in Florence, Italy where I will teach you the art of living. Go ahead, see how nice you can be...

The Substitute
Another way to revolt is to stop buying into the bullshit we have been sold over the years. Smoking is probably one of the biggest lies that we have been told. But, what they know is that it is the breath that we all crave, they have just packaged it in such a way that is not good for us. What if you could buy one thing to transform your life that has no negative side effects and gives you life, reduces your stress, and removes your anxiety, wouldn't that be nice? Well, you no longer have to wait. Introducing The Substitute- a physiological/psychological tool to use instead of smoking. My goal is to help one million people quit. Do you smoke and want to quit? Or do you not want to quit, but would like to smoke indoors/smoke less? Do you know someone that smokes and could use some help? Or do you or someone you know suffer from stress and/or anxiety? Do something nice for yourself and for someone else today. It could change your life. Oh wait, it will. No toxins. No tobacco. Simply air. Just breathe.
The Books
You do only live once, so make the most out of it! And the kinder you are, the better your life will be...
By taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically, you are being kind to yourself (and others).
The Fragrances
Another nice thing you can do is to smell good. And we all know that our pheromones are what attracts us to others. How nice would it be to be turned on? How nice would it be to be intimate? Try a threesome (that's the name when you buy all three of my original fragrances) and see just how nice being physical with another can be. Lastly, you can always do this nice thing for yourself too. If you need help with that, consider scheduling a Chess Session with me to talk about any and all things related to sex, love, or relationships. It's nice... 
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday evening on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about toxic relationships. And I'm excited to announce, that from now on, I have decided to open up my home to those who want to join the conversation live and in person. So from 7-10pm every Monday you can be part of the conversation if you happen to be in Florence, Italy. And for those who arrive the night before any of the Transformative Experiences, you can come free of charge. Good conversations, great people, amazing experiences. Limited space available. Reservations required. By referral only.
Find yourself.