Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.


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Happy International Women's Day!

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Happy International Women's Day!

Happy International Women's Day!

Imagine a gender equal world...

Collectively we can all embrace equality
Can you imagine a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination? How about a world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive? And ultimately a world where difference is valued and celebrated? Even though this world is seemingly out of control, and seems like we are very far from this moment, everything that we are collectively going through right now is bringing this to the surface. Women are standing up for their rights and we all have an obligation to move the needle forward here. And that goes for all the bullshit discrimination out there. It's 2023 people. Coming off Black History reminds me how far we still have to go, but we are all in this together. And together, we can all embrace equity for all. It's time. In Italy the holiday is known as La Festa della Donna, and it is widely celebrated here. So as I celebrate over here, I'm applauding all of you strong, intelligent ladies wherever you may be and want to encourage you to keep going and embrace your gifts and share them with the world.
Healing makes it so
Once a month, I invite 7 people to join me in Florence, Italy for a Transformative Experience. The upcoming dates are April 18-20 and May 16-18. However, you are always welcome to pick your own dates if you come on your own. Just message me and we will set up an interview to get started. The design of these three days is meant to restore your mind, body, and soul through movement, mindfulness, and connected coaching methods.
Each day will start at 11 and end at 11. It will be intense, but you will go through a magical metamorphosis should you choose. This is a positive and safe as well as inclusive environment where I encourage open hearts and open minds to allow the transformation to take place. Consider this a judgement free zone but it will only work if you are committed to doing the work. Sharing is encouraged but not mandatory. In addition to doing the work, each day will be balanced by walking through the different parts of the city during the day and into night.
Day 1 focuses on your limiting beliefs, past, self sabotaging patterns, and strengths while we concentrate on your inner child and shadow- breathwork is involved. This day is the most intense emotionally, but will crack the code to allow you to move forward in life. Allowing yourself this experience will change the way you think about yourself, others, and all whom you come into contact with as you journey through life. Connecting to your deepest secrets and parts of your soul that you may not even have known you had, so that you can free yourself from any burdens of your past to live more fully in the present moment.  
Day 2 we will spend the day looking at your current situation and then consciously design the life of your dreams, in every aspect (career, character, emotional, financial, health, intellectual, life vision, love relationship, parenting, quality of life, social, spiritual, and sexual). You will explore your creative mind, get really clear about what you want out of this one life of yours, and dream bigger than you ever have. Learn how to tap into your consciousness with less effort, more ease. You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it, but first you have to pay attention and surrender. This day may be lighter on the emotional side, but heavier on the physical as we intend to really get you into feeling your body and what it's telling you so you can heal from the inside out. You must begin within to create with the outward world. Let's get in touch with your feelings and learn how to manifest anything you want.
Day 3 this may be the most mentally challenging day as we will meet individually to discuss all that you've learned and where you want to go from here. You will have the day to do as you please outside of our morning wellness routine, private one on one coaching session, lunch, and of course our last supper together. This day is suggested to be in silence and solitude for optimal outcomes during the day, but the choice of what you do is up to you. Of course for an Individual Session, this day will have more structure, but also flexibility and focus on deeper soul work. Lastly, we will celebrate and discuss all that you have practiced and experienced to set you up for success before we part our separate ways so that you can tap into your full potential at anytime. Learn how to create healthy boundaries, grow your confidence while doing so, and keep focused on what matters most to you so that the distractions of life don't keep you from accomplishing what it is you truly desire.
This is for people who are looking for an immersive adventure that is casually structured, interactive, immaculate, and one that will indulge all of your senses. For those of you who want to know the secret to life and are ready to enjoy all that this world has to offer, I encourage you to secure your spot by paying a non-refundable fee of $500, which goes towards the total price of $3500. If you sign up two months in advance of an experience, the amount will be reduced by $500. Individual Sessions are $5000 and payment plans are available. Cost includes accommodations, all meals, and coaching for the three days. You are responsible for airfare, alcohol, your attitude, and an accord that you come prepared and ready to do the work.

Everyone who attends the Transformative Experience will have access to me for follow up private coaching packages should you desire the continuation of the work. Thank you for considering me as your guide to help you navigate these interconnected worlds. I cannot wait to work with you and help you achieve a new level of confidence that aligns with your highest self and helping you achieve the life of your dreams...

The Substitute

You know I hated it when people used to call me a Boss Bitch and used it as a form of endearment. I do love the concept behind it- the shero of her own story, someone who takes charge of her future and embraces being a “boss” in all aspects of the word: whether as the boss of her own life, family and career, the literal boss at work, or, as the boss of her own company. And being a Renaissance Woman who does many things, I have a signature statement, The Substitute. Something that I came up with after I almost died of pneumonia days after turning 40. After being asked about it by loads of people everywhere I went, I decided it was selfish of me to keep it to myself. So now, I share it with the world. And my goal is to help one million people quit smoking, but more importantly reduce stress and anxiety in their lives. The simple act of deep breathing is transformational, and The Substitute is a tool to help you do that, just breathe. And because breathing has a slew of health benefits, it will change your life.
The Books- available on Amazon and Audible
Losing my husband to cancer is ultimately what led me to be an entrepreneur. 
All successful people need a healthy mind, body, and soul.
The Fragrances- Cuff, Sex, and Lust (all unisex)
Smell like a boss...
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about masturbation, something every woman should be doing. Follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.