Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.

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A moment of rejuvenation and rebirth...

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A moment of rejuvenation and rebirth...

A moment of rejuvenation and rebirth...

how are you blooming this spring?

Take time to find the balance.

Today marks the Spring Equinox, where we have equal parts of day and night in the skies above. It also is the Astrological New Year and a great day to take time to reflect on our need for equilibrium in our lives. Being that Mars, the planet of action, governs the sign of Aries, it can bring a lot of desire, energy, and passion to our hopes and intentions. So what are you hoping for this spring? Have you taken the time to set your intentions on what you really want to bring to life this year? Here is just a friendly reminder to take the time to find the balance, reflect on where you are, and where you want to be going forward. They say you can't know which direction to take if you don't know the destination. At a time when manifestation is in high gear, I urge you to think about your life and take small steps to achieve those goals every day. One day you may find yourself at the final stage that you set for yourself. But you'll only get there by consciously thinking about it and then making it happen. I had a goal to release my Goddess Collection for my birthday last Friday, but even though it didn't happen, and I don't have the final prototype yet, I wanted to share my process with you. That is why I have put the first piece online for you to get an idea of what I've been working on. I love sharing the process with people and even though I keep many secrets, this won't be one of them. Check it out now, and see the jacket I designed that describes balance to me... 

Need help finding the balance or birthing something?
If you are in need of some balance in your life, please consider working with me. I can help you find opportunities in your life to slow down, take a moment for yourself, and reflect on where you are, then create a plan to get you to where you want to go. In addition, if you have an idea that has been lurking in the shadows and needs to come to the light, but are having a hard time getting it to the surface, schedule a Business Consultation with me to bring your idea into the world. I've helped countless people quit their jobs and start their own businesses and lead independent lives on their own terms. It just takes a little digging, poking, and prodding, but once we get started, the seeds planted will blossom into something you could never have imagined. Leave space for miracles to grow.
The Substitute

Another way to renew yourself is to just breathe. Breath is life, after all.The Substitute is a great tool to use instead of smoking (or eating for that matter) that really helps you gain clarity of mind. It makes you feel more relaxed and calm. It relieves pain and tension in the body. It also can reduce your blood pressure and heart rate. If you are suffering from any physical symptoms, consider trying The Substitute and get free international shipping. 

The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)
You only live once, but you can always be born again... (and again, and again, and again)
Your mind, body, and soul need to rejuvenate regularly. Give them they attention they deserve...
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about creation. Next week I'll discuss codependency. Be a part of the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard. 
Find yourself.