Humility has always been a characteristic that I have admired. When a person is humble, they don't let things go to their head. They remain stable in that they don't parade around thinking that they are better than anyone else. They have an approach to life that allows them to always be the student, even if they are the teacher, because no one knows everything. Being modest about who you are and what you do (even if you are the best) allows you to be open to different perspectives and situations. And, if you do show up as a know it all, or one that boasts and brags, I feel like the Universe comes into town to bring you back down to earth. This is why you can also walk around knowing just how fabulous you are, without thinking that you the most important person in the room. This practice of being able to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake (cause we are human after all), helps transform those moments of pretentiousness and being high and mighty into melting down to a puddle on the floor. No one is better than anyone else. Just be the best that you can be and you can't go wrong. If you find yourself on your high horse, come off and ground yourself knowing that we are all along for the ride of life, and we all go up and down. This does not mean you shouldn't own your originality or that you should sacrifice your fabulousness so others feel better, no. It is a balance between being awesome and aw inspired by others who are different from you. We all have something to learn from one another, and in turn share our experiences with the world. Find yourself and be humble.