1. Repay a debt In honor of the ancient Roman tradition of paying debts on the Ides of March (or of any month for that matter), repay a debt. You'll get some feel-good mo-jo in return from the person who loaned you the money that you somehow have managed not to repay. So for those of you who owe me money, pay up! (just kidding) ;)
2. Plan a Roman Holiday Turn the Ides of March into a living history lesson. Plan a trip to Italy to explore ancient Roman ruins of the city where Julius Caesar once ruled as the Emperor of the Roman Empire and perished at the hands of his trusted advisors. And then let me know so I can come and see you or you can come and see me in Florence! ;)
3. Toga Party! When it comes down to it, the Ides of March was basically a huge argument about politics. Is there any political issue that you feel extremely passionate about? Contact your local government official or start an email-sending campaign with your friends. In honor of Julius Caesar, you should exercise your right to participate in politics. Your voice needs to be heard, now more than ever! And then seriously, please throw a toga party and invite me. Maybe this is what I'll end up doing for my birthday...or maybe a yoga party. And of course, you're all invited!! ;)