Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Master Cicerone|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps people find themselves.

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How can we be more conscious?

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How can we be more conscious?

Soul Session #5 

Conscious Parenting Session

How can we be more conscious?

By being present.

We have to do better...

Last January, when I arrived back in Florence, my taxi driver asked me 'what is up with Americans and their guns?!' We probably spoke for ten minutes about how the only people allowed to carry guns in Italy are police and military. I agree. It makes no sense to me why anyone would need a gun, unless they feel like they need to protect them selves. Yesterday my daughter told me about some creeper that was getting a little too close for comfort in a shopping line. When she left the store, three young men were standing near her car. They too noticed the creepy guy and stayed to protect my daughter. My daughter said she felt unsafe and thought about wanting to carry a little gun around for protection. I hate that my daughter feels this way. But I am still fortunate to have my daughter here. Safe and sound.

So many others have lost their children to gun violence and are gone. Our children are not safe. It breaks my heart that innocent children continue to be killed because we can't pass legislation for gun control. It makes no sense to me that we freely allow any human to possess a firearm in the United States without a proper background check. Why are we consciously allowing our 'guiding fathers' to do shady shit and govern us this way?

I don't know about you, but I feel a revolution coming on if we don't have a few revelations soon...

Conscious Parenting Session

This is a crazy world in which we live where we cannot even imagine how our children are processing things. Imagine the children that weren't killed and the trauma that they will have to deal with the rest of their lives. It is important that we recognize the need for mental health services, which is why I feel this calling to help others, especially our youth. We all need someone to talk to, to share these complexities of life with. It is not healthy to not discuss challenging circumstances at any age. Even though there are a ton of parenting books out there, there is no one way to parent, because there is not one kind of child. We are all individuals and being aware of our role in our children's lives depends as much on us as it does them. This session is for parents who are having a challenging time with their child/children and want to help them as much as they want to help themselves. Find out how to be a conscious parent and be the guide you were meant to be in your child's life for both of you to grow together. This can also be a consultation for both parents, with or without children.

The Substitute

Being a parent is a stressful job. Just remember when the going gets tough, to take a few breaths. It is the only way to calm down your nervous system. If you need a reminder or something physical to help you do that, consider trying The Substitute. It is a stress reliever to use instead of smoking. A psychological/ physiological tool that allows you to hold it in your hand, put it in between your lips, and inhale deeply. no tobacco, no toxins, simply air.

Just breathe.

Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra

Please join me every Monday on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way of having open conversations with people all over the world about topics that may appear to be taboo or difficult to discuss. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I explained what I do for a living and that nothing is too taboo for me to discuss with clients. Follow me @kendraleonard and check out my intimate conversations to learn more.

Find yourself.