So last year when I went through my calendar of not so traditional dates to celebrate, I came across this holiday aimed at cutting cords. Because of the work I have been doing, I thought it was more about cutting energetic cords. However, to my surprise, I discovered today that it had to do with cutting out cable tv and live streaming instead. Amazing how perspective shifts and projection works. Anyway, I encourage all of you today to take a break from watching anything and watch life unfold in front of you instead. It's much more fascinating than what's on tv. Also, take the time to cut out anyone from your life that is toxic, or no longer serving you and where you want to go or release cords from others from your past that may be holding you back. It's scary to let go, but worse to hold onto something/someone that is causing you anger, anxiety, fear, pain resentment, or being stagnant in life.