It is another dream of mine to help people suffering from mental health issues, which is why I became a life coach in the first place. More specifically, I want to help one million people who have trouble with stress, depression, and anxiety, which I believe is the direct link to cancer and other dis-eases. When our minds and emotions are in a state of shock, it does tend to make the body have problems, too. That is the meaning behind The Substitute, what I call my cure to cancer. By consciously breathing, we relax our nervous system, which in turn, relaxes the mind and the body. Don't believe me, try it. Take three really long inhales and equally long exhales. Feel better? I bet you do. You see, we really don't realize how much we are holding our breaths and how that is affecting our bodies (or where we are holding stress in our bodies). It may feel funny if you're not used to practicing breathwork, but this is where The Substitute helps. The Substitute was designed to remind you to simply breathe when the going gets tough. It is life's little companion that you can take anywhere to just breathe. The Substitute can be used any place, any time. It’s toxin-free, environmentally friendly, and designed for seamless use anywhere—planes, restaurants, schools, or even at work. Take it with you everywhere you go. Whether you're navigating life’s highs or lows, The Substitute is there to ground you, uplift you, or simply help you breathe through it all.