Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.

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Make Your Dreams Come True

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Make Your Dreams Come True

It's Make Your Dreams Come True Day!

Take one step towards them...

Dream a little dream...
On this day, I just wanted to encourage you to think about your dreams for a moment. What is it that you truly want in this life? A lot of times when I ask people this question, they have a hard time answering. For those of you who know what your dreams are and are going for them daily, kudos to you! For those of you who don't, this is your wake up call to start dreaming. We get so busy in this life going from place to place and interacting with others, that sometimes we lose sight of what it is we truly desire. Wherever you are right now, stop and think- what is a dream of yours that you would like to make happen? And then write it down. You know that thinking makes it so, and writing it down makes it even more real. To take it a step further, you can even attach a date to making that dream a reality. And once you do that, you can start to strategically break it down into actionable steps. Check these things off your list as time goes by, and before you know it, you have made your dream come true! If you need help doing this, consider scheduling a session with me or working with me long term. Sometimes it might seem daunting or overwhelming to go after what we want, but the danger in not chasing these dreams is even greater. Dream a little, then let it grow into something big. You've got this! And today is a perfect day to do so, as it is a full moon. Now is a great time to set intentions and let go of the things (or people) that are holding you back. No one else is going to make your dreams come true but you. And once you do, everyone else gets to be a part of your amazing success story and cheer you on. Never stop dreaming.
Flash Mob Hugging Fest on International Hugging Day
One of my dreams is to start the revolution of peace and love- seriously. I do believe in the power of my dreams and know that we can all make a difference in this world. So, please mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 21st at 1pm at Piazza Repubblica to come together as one for one minute. Hoping to spread some major positive vibrations throughout the world by organizing a Flash Mob Hugging Fest, and I encourage you, wherever you are, to do the same. Love overcomes hate and by showcasing our love in public, we can inspire others to do the same, and heal the world, one hug at a time. This comes at a time when the world needs so much love, so please, grab your friends and family and meet me in the square and get ready to hug! If you can't come, or don't live in Florence, don't worry, you can hug wherever you are at that moment. (You can also hug yourself if you happen to be alone.) Of course it would be awesome to have everyone participate all over the world and hold a hug for at least 20 seconds -it not only reduces stress,  but that is how long it takes to release oxytocin. That also means three hugs in that one minute, so that we can all give and receive love, as you cannot give a hug without getting one in return. Also, if you didn't know it, or haven't heard me say it yet, you need four hugs a day to survive, eight hugs a day to maintain, and twelve hugs a day to grow. Join the silent revolution of peace and love by becoming a member of The Substitute Society and let's tear down the walls of hate. Know that we are stronger together no matter how much they try to divide us and that nothing truly separates us as we are all one.
The Substitute

It is another dream of mine to help people suffering from mental health issues, which is why I became a life coach in the first place. More specifically, I want to help one million people who have trouble with stress, depression, and anxiety, which I believe is the direct link to cancer and other dis-eases. When our minds and emotions are in a state of shock, it does tend to make the body have problems, too. That is the meaning behind The Substitute, what I call my cure to cancer. By consciously breathing, we relax our nervous system, which in turn, relaxes the mind and the body. Don't believe me, try it. Take three really long inhales and equally long exhales. Feel better? I bet you do. You see, we really don't realize how much we are holding our breaths and how that is affecting our bodies (or where we are holding stress in our bodies). It may feel funny if you're not used to practicing breathwork, but this is where The Substitute helps. The Substitute was designed to remind you to simply breathe when the going gets tough. It is life's little companion that you can take anywhere to just breathe. The Substitute can be used any place, any time. It’s toxin-free, environmentally friendly, and designed for seamless use anywhere—planes, restaurants, schools, or even at work. Take it with you everywhere you go. Whether you're navigating life’s highs or lows, The Substitute is there to ground you, uplift you, or simply help you breathe through it all. 

Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. Tonight I am talking about dreaming and next week I will talk about hugging. Be a part of the conversation in person from 7-9pm at The Art of Style (please RSVP) or just tune in when you have the time and follow the journey @kendraleonard... Indulge in yourself.
Mindfulness & Movement
I also invite you to join me every Wednesday morning from 9-11 am as I share my mediation and yoga practice with the community. This is a safe space where all are welcome. No experience is required. For January, the focus is on the root chakra. It is linked to your ability to dig in and feel firmly rooted in your life. This energy center is associated with your sense of security, familial relationships and your feeling of home. When energy is flowing through the first chakra, you feel grounded in yourself and the world around you. If your root chakra is out of alignment, you may feel depressed, angry, or anxious. When you can be assured that your basic needs are met, you’ll be able to focus on your relationships and personal goals. Come with an open heart and mind, and feel your body unwind. Love yourself. 
The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)
You only have one life to make your dreams come true...
Your mind, body, and soul are wanting you to go after your dreams...
Find yourself.