Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.

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Take the time to examine your life...

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Take the time to examine your life...

Take the time to examine your life... 


How is your life?
Today is Examine your Life Day and there is no time like the present to stop and take a moment to pause and reflect. Are you happy with your life? Do you feel unfulfilled in certain categories in your life? Do you want more out of this one life that you have to live here on Earth? It was on this day one year ago that I decided I wanted more and that I was going to officially move to Florence, Italy full time instead of going back and forth to the states every 90 days. I knew that my time in Raleigh had come full circle and it was time to move on. It took letting go of everything I knew and everyone I loved to make this transition (though those that I love will always be with me), but it was with certainty that I took this leap of faith. Now, a year later, I am creating the next chapter of my life and what I want it to be while encouraging others to do the same. If you are not completely satisfied with your life as it is right now, I beg you to ask yourself:
How do you want it to be?
Imagine a world of possibilities, that you could have everything that you wanted. If I waved my magic wand (aka The Substitute) and asked you what it is that you desire, could you tell me? Interestingly enough, most people don't know what they want. Get clear about what it is you truly want and watch the magic unfold before your eyes.
How do you get there?

It first starts with the vision. Once you can see it, and more importantly feel it, synchronicities happen, and the right people just start to show up in your life (or the wrong people leave). If you are at a crossroads in your life or are looking for answers, know that you do have all the answers inside of you. However, sometimes it helps to have someone guide you through the process when you are unsure of yourself. That is where I come in. I am here to serve the world and have been called to Italy not only to chase my dreams, but to help other people achieve their own. This is why I decided to become a Life Coach in the first place (aka Master Cicerone) and designed the Transformative Experiences outside of my regular coaching sessions to teach others how to do the work. You can have everything you want, and I am here to support you and show you how to get it all. Please consider scheduling a session with me to get started or come to Florence, Italy on one of my Transformative Experiences. There is still time to sign up for one of the upcoming sessions November 29- December 1, January 3-5, February 14-16, or March 21-24. Future dates TBD, but if you have dates in mind that work for you, please let me know! Check out the details on my website and let me know if I can be of service to you and/or if you have any questions.
Cheers to you and making all your dreams come true with confidence! 

The Substitute
People have been calling The Substitute my magic wand for years now, not only by helping people quit smoking and reducing their stress and anxiety, but with a flick and a swish, they realized that when I ask a question and they actually speak the words into existence, they actually come true! Though this device was designed to help people breathe a little easier, it has come to have many uses: a pointer, back scratcher, hand adjuster, ass smacker, thinking stick, something to play with in your hands. The Substitute is a psychological/physiological tool to use instead of smoking/eating that relieves stress and anxiety. No tobacco. No toxins. Simply air. Just breathe.
My Books
Just in case you didn't know it, we are all going to die some day. Here's a book to help inspire you to live more.
Your mind, body, and soul are all connected. It's important to take the time to check in with all of them regularly.
My Fragrances
Most of us have a signature scent, but it's always fun to experiment. Try the threesome so you can have them all.
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday evening on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about self-esteem and steps to take to grow yours. Get a front row seat or join the conversation at 9pm CET. Now hosting Intimate Conversations in person in Florence from 7-10pm. Good conversation, great people, incredible experiences. Follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.