Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.

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Happy thanksgiving beautiful souls ! I hope you are all taking a moment to breathe and hit the pause button during this time of year. It is also a wonderful time of year to think about all of the things that you are thankful for. This is a tradition that I have adopted during the Thanksgiving feast, for everyone to go around and say one thing that they are grateful for. This is a time of love and friendship, and appreciation for those that are in your life. So I would like to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you for your love and support during this transition. Thank you to all of my clients, community, friends, and family, I am ever so grateful. Mostly I'm humbled and honored to know each of those that I do and the unique qualities that you share with the world. Keep shining your light bright for the world to see. And then see just how bright you can be by being you...


So grateful for the opportunity to speak at Tedx Raleigh. Still in disbelief. Here is the full Tedx Raleigh event. My talk on reset starts on the 2nd hour. Enjoy...