The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.
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The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
Take the time to rest
Ah, the holidays are over and now we can all go back to our regular routine... wait, what does that mean?
Back to the grind, back to work, back to school, back into the madness of everyday life?
What if this year we did something different? What if we took the time to think about what we really need, what we really want, and start taking steps in that direction?
But in order to know where we are going, we need to sit still with ourselves and get quiet.
We need to give ourselves the gift of slowing down and feeling our emotional, mental, and physical states.
We need to listen to our bodies and what they're telling us, but we can only hear these things loud and clear when we are in a state of rest and relaxation.
We process so much on a daily basis, we sometimes don't realize when we've gone into autopilot.
On this new year, I encourage you to take some time out of your busy life to examine where you are and where you want to be (or who you are and who you want to be).
It is ok to do nothing and allow the dust to settle.
Everything will still be there when you're ready to get up and go again, but leave yourselves these little windows of clarity into your soul on a regular basis to feed the deep desires you have within.
Once you are well rested, you can show up as your highest self, continue to give more to others, and feel alive in the process of doing so.
Hibernation season is upon us, so it is okay to retreat into your own abyss of solitude and sleepiness.
Go now.
Need help sitting still?
If you or someone you know needs help relaxing, let me show you how.
The Universe taught me how to relax when I had pneumonia almost five years ago, and since I've lived in Italy, I've learned even more!
So I've only been practicing this relaxation thing for the past few years, but in my studies, I have found that through proper rest and relaxation, my body feels better, my emotional and mental state feels more calm, and I am able to be more present in the moment with people, situations, and things.
Come to Florence on a Transformative Experience and allow me to teach you how to improve your daily life with simple habits such as meditation, yoga, journaling, and walking.
During these three days we will work through things like your shadow and healing your inner child so you can embrace all aspects of who you are.
This work can also be done remotely, where I can take you through the process step by step during our weekly coaching calls.
And then you will sit with it.
All of it.
And start to see the patterns in your life- who/what you attract and why.
What are your triggers and self sabotaging behaviors?
What do you need to do in order to heal your deepest wounds and use them as a strength to help others?
Let's find out...
Couples Transformative Experiences
Every month I host a Couples Transformative Experience in Florence, Italy.
These three days are meant to restore your mind, body, and soul as it pertains to your relationship.
This is for couples who want to consciously coparent, reconnect or consciously uncouple.
Book now to schedule an interview for the upcoming experiences January 16th-18th | February 6th-8th | March 26th-28th | April 16th-18th | May 7th-9th, or pick your own dates and work with me one on one, where we will go deeper into the sexual realm.
The Substitute
It was only after I got pneumonia that the idea of THE SUBSTITUTE came to mind.
Because I always said 'I like the art of inhaling' I had to use a breathalzying treatment for a month to rebuild my lungs.
And I thought that I didn't need to smoke anymore, even if it was just casually/socially.
Almost five years later THE SUBSTITUTE has been helping tons of people quit smoking, relax their bodies, minds, and nervous systems, reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, assist in weight control, develop better sleeping habits, gain mental clarity, raise awareness and consciousness, look younger, feel better, and overall, be in a state of rest and relaxation.
By simply breathing, we can regulate ourselves, but we really don't pay attention to this cause we are constantly on the go, and that does a body and the brain not so good.
So when we consciously breathe, and exhale all of the bad stuff out, we are replenishing ourselves.
We are healing ourselves.
The reason that the powers that be are keeping us running is so that we don't have time to think, time to feel, or time to be.
All we need to do is JUST BREATHE.
THE SUBSTITUTE has no tobacco, no toxins, simply air, which means you can use it anywhere- planes, trains, restaurants, bars, clubs, church, school, work, wherever.
Try one for only $20 and get free international shipping.
With each purchase, a portion of the proceeds continues to go to fight cancer.
Join #thesubstitutesociety or donate.
Interested in joining my mission?
Message me for wholesale.
Partnership opportunities available.
The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible
You may only live once in this lifetime, but you don't have to run all the way through it.
What could you do to relax your mind, body, and soul?
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such.
This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy.
For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.
This week I talked about relaxing and next week I will talk about goals.
Be a part of the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
Take the time to rest
Ah, the holidays are over and now we can all go back to our regular routine... wait, what does that mean?
Back to the grind, back to work, back to school, back into the madness of everyday life?
What if this year we did something different? What if we took the time to think about what we really need, what we really want, and start taking steps in that direction?
But in order to know where we are going, we need to sit still with ourselves and get quiet.
We need to give ourselves the gift of slowing down and feeling our emotional, mental, and physical states.
We need to listen to our bodies and what they're telling us, but we can only hear these things loud and clear when we are in a state of rest and relaxation.
We process so much on a daily basis, we sometimes don't realize when we've gone into autopilot.
On this new year, I encourage you to take some time out of your busy life to examine where you are and where you want to be (or who you are and who you want to be).
It is ok to do nothing and allow the dust to settle.
Everything will still be there when you're ready to get up and go again, but leave yourselves these little windows of clarity into your soul on a regular basis to feed the deep desires you have within.
Once you are well rested, you can show up as your highest self, continue to give more to others, and feel alive in the process of doing so.
Hibernation season is upon us, so it is okay to retreat into your own abyss of solitude and sleepiness.
Go now.
Need help sitting still?
If you or someone you know needs help relaxing, let me show you how.
The Universe taught me how to relax when I had pneumonia almost five years ago, and since I've lived in Italy, I've learned even more!
So I've only been practicing this relaxation thing for the past few years, but in my studies, I have found that through proper rest and relaxation, my body feels better, my emotional and mental state feels more calm, and I am able to be more present in the moment with people, situations, and things.
Come to Florence on a Transformative Experience and allow me to teach you how to improve your daily life with simple habits such as meditation, yoga, journaling, and walking.
During these three days we will work through things like your shadow and healing your inner child so you can embrace all aspects of who you are.
This work can also be done remotely, where I can take you through the process step by step during our weekly coaching calls.
And then you will sit with it.
All of it.
And start to see the patterns in your life- who/what you attract and why.
What are your triggers and self sabotaging behaviors?
What do you need to do in order to heal your deepest wounds and use them as a strength to help others?
Let's find out...
Couples Transformative Experiences
Every month I host a Couples Transformative Experience in Florence, Italy.
These three days are meant to restore your mind, body, and soul as it pertains to your relationship.
This is for couples who want to consciously coparent, reconnect or consciously uncouple.
Book now to schedule an interview for the upcoming experiences January 16th-18th | February 6th-8th | March 26th-28th | April 16th-18th | May 7th-9th, or pick your own dates and work with me one on one, where we will go deeper into the sexual realm.
The Substitute
It was only after I got pneumonia that the idea of THE SUBSTITUTE came to mind.
Because I always said 'I like the art of inhaling' I had to use a breathalzying treatment for a month to rebuild my lungs.
And I thought that I didn't need to smoke anymore, even if it was just casually/socially.
Almost five years later THE SUBSTITUTE has been helping tons of people quit smoking, relax their bodies, minds, and nervous systems, reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, assist in weight control, develop better sleeping habits, gain mental clarity, raise awareness and consciousness, look younger, feel better, and overall, be in a state of rest and relaxation.
By simply breathing, we can regulate ourselves, but we really don't pay attention to this cause we are constantly on the go, and that does a body and the brain not so good.
So when we consciously breathe, and exhale all of the bad stuff out, we are replenishing ourselves.
We are healing ourselves.
The reason that the powers that be are keeping us running is so that we don't have time to think, time to feel, or time to be.
All we need to do is JUST BREATHE.
THE SUBSTITUTE has no tobacco, no toxins, simply air, which means you can use it anywhere- planes, trains, restaurants, bars, clubs, church, school, work, wherever.
Try one for only $20 and get free international shipping.
With each purchase, a portion of the proceeds continues to go to fight cancer.
Join #thesubstitutesociety or donate.
Interested in joining my mission?
Message me for wholesale.
Partnership opportunities available.
The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible
You may only live once in this lifetime, but you don't have to run all the way through it.
What could you do to relax your mind, body, and soul?
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such.
This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy.
For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.
This week I talked about relaxing and next week I will talk about goals.
Be a part of the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.