Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It is made up of your beliefs, memories, habits, perceptions, programs, tendencies, and thoughts. It is also divided into two parts, your conscious or 'thinking' mind and your subconscious 'instinctive' mind. Your conscious mind is the 'voice' in your head that has a judgement, opinion, or thought about everything it experiences. The subconscious mind is the 'computer' mind that takes all the information from your senses and generates actions, behaviors, feelings, and thoughts which create your reality, or your experience of life.
By this time in your life, you have probably noticed that your mind creates, processes, and thinks differently to the minds of those around you. This is because we are all unique and have had individual experiences. The beautiful thing is that your mind is connected to your body, and your body functions differently than others around you too. This is why it is important to find the right foods for your system and when to eat them, along with what exercise program works for you and your body. Your mind has a unique users manual and the more you know about your body, you can optimize your mental as well as your physical strength.
Once you are operating at a level that is conducive to you and your one and only body that you have in this lifetime, your mind can follow along in a healthy manner. But your relationship to food is also important and in today's society, that has taken a toll on the population at large, especially in America. We eat cause it 'feels' good. It soothes us. From the moment we were born we had something shoved into our mouths to pacify us. That is why there is oral fixation and habits such as smoking. We just want something to put in our mouths. It calms us down.
Also, our proportions are out of control. And we have been told since we were kids to clear everything off our plates. Well, our plates keep getting bigger and we keep putting more on them. Being in Italy I have noticed that people eat a ton here, and it's a lot of pasta, pizza, and gelato. They generally have several courses as well. However, they move. They walk each and every day. I have never counted my steps, but my friend pointed out that we walked over seven miles one day. And it wasn't a chore. It was enjoyable, because being outside in a beautiful setting encourages this type of behavior. We are not designed to be sedentary. We were designed to be curious and explore. And doing so is good for the soul, too...