Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.

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It's National Book Lovers Day!

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It's National Book Lovers Day!

It's National Book Lovers Day!

Now there are two ways to enjoy mine...

Need Some Inspiration?

Throughout the last twenty years, I have been told how inspiring my story has been to others. People from all over the world have told me that my books helped them deal with difficult situations in their life, assisted them in breaking up with a toxic partner, encouraged them to quit their job and become self employed, and understand more about death as well as life itself. Since it's National Book Lovers Day, I thought I would take a moment to share that both of my books, you only live once and mind.body.soul., are now available on Audible! I had so much fun in the recording studio with Thread Audio, but it was also surreal. I've read my books before during the editing process (I had paid to have it transcribed this last time, only to find over 100 errors- that was frustrating) but I had never read them out loud. And even though these are both mini memoirs, it's a whole different experience to read about me and my life from the place that I am in today. It just goes to show you that you are a sum of your life's experiences, and your perspective of your own life changes as you continue to grow and evolve. Anyway, have a listen, or if reading is more your thing, pick up a copy at your local bookstore, or order it online via Amazon.     

Need Some Help Finding Your Inspiration?

Another thing that people have told me over the years is how much better they feel after having spent time with me and that my positive spirit lifts them up every time, no matter what they are going through. And for me, being positive is my natural state, it's my number one strength (maximizer, woo, empathy, and includer are the others). But happiness has to come from within, and constantly looking outside yourself for happiness will only lead to despair if you are not filled up from the inside. If you or someone you know needs help finding some inspiration these days, please consider scheduling a session with me, or sharing this message with them. And if these messages have inspired you, imagine what it would be like to have a session with me. Energy is contagious and so is positivity. Come get a major dose of both this fall, or once a week in the comfort of your own home.

Please join me on a Transformative Experience in Italy

Spend three days with me in Florence, Italy from November 1-3. I am inviting seven beautiful souls to join me on this once in a lifetime transformational experience. For those of you who want to make the most out of life, I encourage you to request an invitation to be considered. Interested? Reply to this message, or reach out to me on any social media platforms or through my website. Looking forward to exploring with you on this life journey... 

Sometimes when you are reading a book (or listening to one) you might get the urge to smoke a cigarette or snack on something, because the words might make you anxious or stressed out about your own life. But if you're in an airplane, someone else's house, or a coffee shop, you won't be able to light up. And if you eat the entire bag of potato chips because you're so immersed in the story, you won't feel good about yourself. Instead, try The Substitute. A psychological/physiological tool to use instead of smoking or eating that relieves stress and anxiety. No tobacco. No toxins. Simply air. Just breathe.
The Books
'I tell everyone I lived life backwards. Pregnant at twenty, widowed at thirty, wondering what's in store for forty, but here's where I am right now...' Originally published on 12.12.12, republished on 12.22.21.
In my search for peace, I write about my experiences of being single, putting myself first, stepping into my light, and shining as bright as I can. Through self-discovery and putting in the work to find myself along the journey of this thing called life, I share what I hope will be a helpful guide to others as they go through life and all that’s unexpected. Ultimately a lesson in learning to let go and release what no longer serves you so you can create space for what is to come. Ironically, this book helped me let go of my store, and ultimately my life in Raleigh, NC.
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday evening on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. Yesterday I talked about strengths and how to figure out what yours are and how to utilize them every day. Please share your strengths with the world and join the conversation. Follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.