Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Master Cicerone|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps people find themselves.

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Happy November!

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Happy November!

Happy November!

(how are we already here?)

Settling in...
Did anyone else wake up after Halloween and realize that we are now in the second to the last month of the year? It was after coming out of my altered state (after several Negroni's the night before), that it dawned on me that autumn is actually upon us. The weather has been so misleading that it has felt like an extended Indian Summer, but now, the beginning days of this month have been filled with rain, and the wind that whips you when you're not expecting it. Grateful to have had some time to settle into my new place and welcome my daughter to Italy. It's been quite a transition, to say the least. Hope you and yours are enjoying the changing of the seasons and settling into whatever space you have created for yourselves. It's important that you always have a safe space to call home, and once you do, it feels nice to get settled inside. Wish you all find some time to relax before the holiday season sneaks up on us. Remember the adage of 'peace on earth' and 'good will toward men (and women)' as we embark on another busy time of year. And don't forget to take time for you, because otherwise, you're settling...
Design Session

If you or someone you know needs help creating a safe space, consider scheduling a session with me. Having been trained in the art of Feng Shui, I can help you create an atmosphere that is balanced, welcoming, and plays to your strengths. Whether you need help designing a home, an office space, or a store, you can trust in the fact that I know how to make environments visually stimulating, based on your personality and style. Also, exciting news, next week I meet with a Master Pattern Maker. I just might have a Goddess Collection for Christmas...

The Substitute

Another thing I designed a few years ago, was The Substitute. After having pneumonia, being in the hospital for five days, and almost dying of sepsis, I thought 'maybe I don't need to smoke any more.' I always said 'I liked to inhale.' That was until I had a breathalyzing treatment to rebuild my lungs for a month. And even though I still very much like to inhale, when I started using The Substitute, I realized how much it helped me. Not only did my doctor tell me that my lung capacity was ridiculous (in a good way), I felt better, calmer, more clear. See, the breath is what smooths everything out- blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, falling to sleep, stress, anxiety, depression, etc. This simple accessory not only looks good, but it makes you feel good, too. Try it for only $20 and get free international shipping. Because our bodies, by design, are perfect, we can enhance them and its processes by doing the one thing that really does keep us alive- breathing. No tobacco. No toxins. Simply air. Just breathe.

The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible
You only live once. Might as well feel good, live good, and look good.
You design your life. But you have to train your mind, body, and soul.
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about settling and next week i'm discussing emotions. Be a part of the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard. 
Find yourself.