Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.

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World No Tobacco Day

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World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day

(no toxins either)

Imagine a world without cancer

Throughout my time here on earth (in this lifetime), I have come to understand a few things. After all, my name means knowledgeable, and for years I have been a truth seeker. One thing that I have come to believe and know to be true, is that we can prevent a lot of pain and suffering that comes our way- or at least how long it stays with us- if we choose to let things go. Attachment is the root of all suffering, according to the Buddha.

For those of you who don't know, my husband died fourteen years ago of leukemia, cancer of the blood. This had stemmed from his familial issues (as anything dealing with the blood always does), along with the anger he had carried around with him for years. Before he was diagnosed, I put my prayer into the Wailing Wall in Israel for God to soften his heart, and getting cancer did. It wasn't the way I wanted his heart to soften, but eventually I did get what I asked for. I remember him telling me after his diagnosis that 'I had figured this life thing out, that I didn't hold onto grudges or foster any resentment towards anyone.' And to this day, I still don't. I only wish I knew then what I now know to be true. And maybe if he knew these things earlier, he wouldn't have lost his battle to cancer.

This experience shaped my life forever. After his death, I quit my job, opened up my own boutique, and started living my life on my own terms. After a decade of hard work and determination, I was on the brink of building my empire. But instead, three years ago today, I had everything taken away from me in one night during a riot. Had I not been through crises before, this one would have definitely taken me out- and it did, for about three months. But this actually happened for me. I had been saying for twenty years that I was going to sell everything I own and move to Italy when I was forty, and my watch that my late husband gave to me stopped at midnight on my 41st. So I was a little late, or as I like to say now, right on time. And here I am now living in Italy, chasing a new dream.

My dream is to help one million people quit smoking/ reduce stress and anxiety in their lives. And since heart disease and cancer are the two major causes of deaths, this is my target. From a spiritual perspective, your heart is tied to your soul, this is the epicenter of your feelings. A hardened heart due to anger or maliciousness does take a toll on the body, and could eventually take your life. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand.  In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. But when stress lasts for a long time, it may harm your health. 

Four years ago, right after my fortieth birthday, I thought I was going to die. I had streptococcus pneumonia even though I had no symptoms leading up to it. I was down for the count for three months. I literally could not sit in a chair without my back being supported. I could not cross the street without being exhausted. The interesting thing about this was that for years I was saying that 'I don't know how to relax,' so the Universe listened. 

In that period, I had to rebuild my lungs, which took a solid month to do. Then I thought, 'maybe I don't need to smoke anymore.' And that is when I developed THE SUBSTITUTE, my cure to cancer. Of course, I initially designed it for me, to help me not smoke cigarettes. But then I started selling them through my store cause everyone always asked what it was. However years later, through all the meditation, yoga, and breathwork sessions I have experienced, I have realized just how helpful this accessory has become in my life. 

Not only did I rebuild my lungs and make them stronger and healthier, I felt better. And I'm not talking just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. Because whenever I need to take a deep breath whether it is to catch my breath, release some stress or negative emotions, or breathe my way through something painful, I always have THE SUBSTITUTE to take those things away. I never leave home without it and I carry it everywhere I go.

You see, the act of breathing consciously helps heal our bodies, and they are machines that require certain things to work properly- not only oxygen, but water, food, and a functioning nervous system. Oxygen is breath. Everything else spared, without oxygen, life is not possible. Oxygen is inhaled into the lungs and then dispersed throughout the body by red blood cells. Oxygen gives energy to cells by burning through the sugar and fatty acids that are consumed. The same red blood cells that carry oxygen through the body also carry carbon dioxide out of the body. Exhaling also removes carbon dioxide from the body.

Sometimes we don't realize how much we are holding our breath, holding in the pain, stress, and tension. Using THE SUBSTITUTE helps release these toxins that are stored in our bodies, along with rejuvenating our cells, promoting better sleep, assisting in digestion and weight control, even correcting our posture over time. Our quality of life depends on how healthy we are, so on this World No Tobacco Day, consider doing something to enhance your life. THE SUBSTITUTE has no tobacco, no toxins, simply air, which means you can use it anywhere. Think restaurants, bars, planes, trains, hospitals, school, church, work, wherever. Try it for only $20 and get free international shipping. JUST BREATHE.  

If you're a smoker and want to smoke less, use THE SUBSTITUTE, it's smokeless. 

If you're stressed out or depressed, go to to find out just how much breathing can help you. 

Individual Transformative Experiences

If you or someone you know needs help changing, please consider scheduling a session with me or come to Florence on a Transformative Experience. This summer, I am only hosting Individual Transformative Experiences, so let me know if you're ready to commit to yourself and start doing the work towards living a happier, healthier life. Over the course of our time together, I will teach you how to catch yourself, correct yourself, and care for yourself.

Spend three days with me for deep and intense conversations throughout our time together. These days will be spent co-creating the life in which you desire, and you do deserve that which you desire. You will learn that you have everything you need to help you transform in all areas of your choosing. This is an energetic time full of claiming your personal power through learning, love, and growth to step into your light. Custom tailored to the individual for optimal outcomes. Magical metamorphosis will happen during this session. Pick your dates and let me know when you're ready for transformation!

Below is an example of how a Transformative Experience can be, but this individual session will be custom tailored to the soul work that you need to work through:

I will take you to some of the most beautiful places you have ever seen in Florence, Italy, and guide you during life's journey while we explore the world and the depths of you soul. Find yourself indulging in luxury and tasting a different slice of life, while discovering parts of yourself that you might not have known existed. Take a look at your past, in the present moment, so that you can confidently move towards your future. The design of these three days is meant to restore your mind, body, and soul through movement (stretching and walking), mindfulness (guided meditation and visualization), and connected coaching methods.
This is for people who are looking for an immersive adventure that is casually structured, interactive, immaculate, and one that will indulge all of your senses. For those of you who want to know the secret to life and are ready to enjoy all that this world has to offer, I encourage you to secure your spot by paying a non-refundable fee of $500, which goes towards the total price of $5000. Payment plans are available. Cost includes accommodations, all meals, and coaching for the three days. You are responsible for airfare, alcohol, your attitude, and an accord that you come prepared and ready to do the work. Looking forward to discovering, exploring, growing and learning with you on this journey called life. Come, find the best version of yourself so that you can start living your life the way you were meant to...
Each day will start at 11 and end at 11. It will be intense, but you will go through a magical metamorphosis should you choose. This is a positive and safe as well as inclusive environment where I encourage open hearts and open minds to allow the transformation to take place. Consider this a judgement free zone but it will only work if you are committed to doing the work. Sharing is encouraged but not mandatory. In addition to doing the work, each day will be balanced by walking through the different parts of the city during the day as well as at night, and seeing some of Firenze's most magnificent sights. Some of the places we will visit will be Piazzale Michaelangelo, Piazza Repubblica, Piazza Signoria, the Duomo, the Uffizzi, Ponte Vecchio, Santo Spirito, Santa Croce, San Frediano, San Niccolo, and other central locations (not to mention spectacular restaurants). If you want to stay longer or tour more of Italy, I can arrange that for you for an additional cost. All sales final. 
We will begin each morning with mindfulness and movement. Learn little techniques and stretches that you can do every day to release energy and tension from your body. Physical movement does a body good. Listen to your body and the signals it sends you. Master your domain, and respect it. Heal your physical ailments and learn how to channel your energy. Learn how to give and receive love. Create healthy boundaries and how to practice this every day in every aspect of your life. Take the time to relax, breathe, and unwind. The 90 minute breathwork session alone will transform you. But the goal is to show you how you can do little things everyday to take care of your mental, physical, and emotional well being. Balance your chakras with your every day life and notice when something feels off so you can address it in the moment or as quickly as possible to get refocused. By the end of each night, you will be ready for a great night's rest. 
Day 1 focuses on your limiting beliefs, past, self sabotaging patterns, and strengths while we concentrate on your inner child and shadow- breathwork is involved. This day is the most intense emotionally, but will crack the code to allow you to move forward in life. Allowing yourself this experience will change the way you think about yourself, others, and all whom you come into contact with as you journey through life. Connecting to your deepest secrets and parts of your soul that you may not even have known you had, so that you can free yourself from any burdens of your past to live more fully in the present moment.  
Day 2 we will spend the day looking at your current situation and then consciously design the life of your dreams, in every aspect (career, character, emotional, financial, health, intellectual, life vision, love relationship, parenting, quality of life, social, spiritual, and sexual). You will explore your creative mind, get really clear about what you want out of this one life of yours, and dream bigger than you ever have. Learn how to tap into your consciousness with less effort, more ease. You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it, but first you have to pay attention and surrender. This day may be lighter on the emotional side, but heavier on the physical as we intend to really get you into feeling your body and what it's telling you so you can heal from the inside out. You must begin within to create with the outward world. Let's get in touch with your feelings and learn how to manifest anything you want.
Day 3 this may be the most mentally challenging day as we will discuss all that you've learned and where you want to go from here. The majority of this day is suggested to be in silence for optimal outcomes during the day, but the choice of what you do is up to you. Since this is your Transformative Experience, how you decide it to be tailored will ultimately be your choice (along with the other days as well). Lastly, we will celebrate and discuss all that you have practiced and experienced to set you up for success before we part our separate ways so that you can tap into your full potential at anytime. Learn how to create healthy boundaries, grow your confidence while doing so, and keep focused on what matters most to you so that the distractions of life don't keep you from accomplishing what it is you truly desire.
Everyone who attends the Transformative Experience will have access to me for follow up private coaching packages should you desire the continuation of the work. Thank you for considering me as your guide to help you navigate these interconnected worlds. I cannot wait to work with you and help you achieve a new level of confidence that aligns with your highest self and helping you achieve the life of your dreams...
The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian)
This book shares the intimate details surrounding the experience of my late husband's battle with cancer/ death.
This book shares my journey of having a near death experience myself, and how I took control of my life. 
The Fragrances- Cuff, Sex, and Lust (all unisex)
These fragrances excite me and others. I was put here to help encourage people to make love, not war...
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy. For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I talked about mayday and asking for help (even though I needed help remembering the time as I was two hours late- oops, and sorry if you were there on time...) Be a part of the conversation and follow the journey @kendraleonard. 
Find yourself.