Renaissance Woman|Designer|Dreamer|Entrepreneur|Healer|Lifestyle Guide|Storyteller|Writer|Unconventional Free Spirit who helps transforms lives.

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Find yourself giving back...

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Find yourself giving back...

Find yourself giving back...

the best version of yourself to others.

Give the best you can

'Tis the season for giving. And it feels so good to give. But why don't we do this all year long? I don't mean giving gifts, I mean giving the best version of ourselves to others as well as to ourselves. What if we practiced giving ourselves at a rate of excellence every time in every interaction we had with others? What a wonderful world it would be! I can see it now- people being kind to others, holding doors open for the next person, smiling to strangers, offering thanks and appreciation, wishing people a good morning or evening as they walked on by, paying it forward, letting someone go ahead of you who is in need, there are so many ways. During this holiday season I encourage you to slow down and try to appreciate the small things in life. Live in the moment and give your best to those who interact with you. Remember, to give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.  

Give the gift of change
Want to help someone you know who seems stuck or lost in their current situation? Sometimes we could use a push in the right direction or some motivation to get started when we don't know what to do first. Let me help! This coaching session is an introductory session for your person of choice to take control of their life. Give the gift of hope and endless possibilities to someone in need... Think of this as a Guidance Gift Card.
Giving you more options
Pay what you can- for the rest of the year I am offering donation based services to those in need of my guidance.
Accessible Guidance- a monthly membership program to have access to me when you need it without having to schedule an appointment. Leave me a five minute voice memo and I'll respond with tools and guidance to help.
Individual Transformative Experiences- pick the dates that work for you and let me guide you through the work. Now thru the rest of the year, I'll be offering it as the same price as the group sessions. Starting at the first of the year, the price will increase, so there is still time to secure your spot at a reduced rate and schedule the dates later.
The Substitute
The gift of the breath. The breath has so many benefits, we fail to recognize them all. It can heal the body, the mind, and the soul. It can give you energy, decrease stress, increase calm, relieve pain, improve immunity, lower blood pressure, aid digestion, and even help support correct posture. The Substitute is a psychological/physiological tool to use instead of smoking/eating that can act as a reminder to take conscious breaths which will only benefit you. No tobacco. No toxins. Simply air. Just breathe. 
My Books- available on amazon and audible
For those of you who have read my first book, thank you. I hope it helped you in some way. If it did, consider sharing this message with someone who needs to hear it. Information is a powerful gift to give and receive.
For those of you who read my second book, thank you. I hope it found you well. If there is someone you know who could use some of these methods to help them in their life, consider sharing it with them this holiday season. 
My Fragrances- Cuff, Sex, and Lust (all unisex)
Give yourself some pleasure or share the gift of scent with someone else. 
Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra
Please join me every Monday evening on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. This week I was unable to go live as I was not well, but join me next week for a combination conversation! I'll be discussing marriage and gifts. Join the conversation at 9pm CET or get a front row seat. Now hosting Intimate Conversations in person in Florence, Italy from 7-10pm. Good conversation, great people, thought provoking experiences.
Follow the journey @kendraleonard.
Find yourself.